Kamath and Stothard Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (CTQ)

1. Has pain in the wrist woken you at night?
Score :

2. Has tingling and numbness in your hand woken you during the night?
Score :

3. Has tingling or numbness in your hand been more pronounced first thing in the morning?
Score :

4. Do you have/perform any trick movements to make the tingling, numbness go from your hands?
Score :

5. Do you have tingling and numbness in your little finger at any time?
Score :

6. Has tingling and numbness presented when you were reading a newspaper, steering a car or knitting?
Score :

7. Do you have any neck pain?
Score :

8. Has the tingling and numbness in your hand been severe during pregnancy?
Score :

9. Has wearing a splint on your wrist helped the tingling and numbness?
Score :

Patient Chart

Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (CTQ)

1. How severe is the hand or wrist pain you have at NIGHT?
Score :

2. How often did hand or wrist pain at NIGHT wake you up during a typical night in the past week?
Score :

3. Do you typically have pain in your hand or wrist during the DAYTIME?
Score :

4. How severe is the hand or wrist pain you have at NIGHT?
Score :

5. How long, on average, does an episode of pain last during the daytime?
Score :

6. Do you have numbness (loss of sensation) in your hand?
Score :

7. Do you have weakness in your hand or wrist?
Score :

8. Do you have tingling sensations in your hand?
Score :

9. How severe is numbness (loss of sensation) or tingling at night?
Score :

10. How often did hand numbness or tingling wake you up during a typical night during the PAST WEEK?
Score :

11. Do you have difficulty with grasping and using small objects such as keys or pens?
Score :

Patient Chart

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